Thursday, October 27, 2011

Oct. 26th - Leaving Ottawa and National Gallery of Canada.

On our way out of the beautiful city of Ottawa Skip took us on a tour of the National Gallery of Canada which, to say the least, was amazing. Although we missed the Caravaggio exhibit which was up all summer the Drawn to Art: French Artists and Art Lovers in 18th-Century Rome was quite the exhibit as well showing off a plethora of sketches and finished drawings which were much more interesting than the finished oil on canvas, well-rendered pieces we are so used to seeing. The simple realization that most of the work was on paper from 2-300 years ago and still beautifully kept was very cool to see outside of even an art perspective. On the other side of the art thingies the Gallery had a very large collection of Marcel Duchamp's Readymades which was fun to see up close and in person. They also had a retrospective exhibition from David Askevold which was heavily laden with his video pieces which I haven't ever fell entirely in love with. One of the other exhibitions was also a retrospective of sorts, a homage to the life of Louise Bourgeois whom the gallery has an affiliation with owning a few of her sculptures including Maman, a extra-large cast spider with marble eggs inside of the cast egg-sack and stands over 30 ft. tall in front of the entrance to the Gallery. The gallery also owns her last piece that she did when she was 97 years old, Cell: The Last Climb. Sorry we weren't able to get many photos yesterday. I have included one of Maman and links to the Galleries website below.
Click on the image for the link to the National Gallery.
We are just outside of Montreal and will be touring the city today so we should be back with a stream of photos again soon.