Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Oct 10 - Loading - Guns and Car.

The Eve of Departure sounds like a good metal album but in reality it was just yesterday. Jena and I spent the morning getting odds and ends figured out. She was figuring out the packing/loading of our kitchen and food while I was getting all of our stuff which we weren't taking organized while searching (successfully) for my vinyl plotter's cable. Once the cable was acquired I was able to cut some vinyl for friends and our new home.
We got most of the odds and ends done and my motorcycle running before our friends Elliot and Lyn came over to hang out and shoot some guns at pumpkins. Which was a great mid-day break from a frenzy of getting stuff done.
After they headed home we spent the rest of the evening doing vinyl for us and Mangolandia's sailboat; Surkha. Tomorrow is to be filled with the last of the organizing and the beginning of our journey.