Thursday, October 13, 2011

Oct. 13th - Waking up in the Woods to the sound of a Waterfall.

 Yes, this is the way we woke up this morning - overlooking a waterfall on the bank of the Knife River in northern Minnesota, the rain lightly tapping a melody away on the rain fly of our tent and a lazy gray sky overhead. I'm completely convinced that waking up to the sound of a waterfall is the best way to start a morning. It tops song-birds, ocean surf, and the occasional Wake-up Jacob medley and it puts you in the best mood even if your bladder is full and it's raining on your tent and has been since the night before.
 I was up first and set to making coffee for the camp as the girls pulled themselves from their warm tents and into the damp woods surrounding us. After coffee and some waterfall staring we packed up and we started back on the trail towards our vehicles. We all decided what was really needed was sauna's and showers to put some warmth back into us. With that decided we headed to the UMD locker rooms to take advantage of their services and recoup some of our tuition.
Warm, clean, and full we sit in a coffee shop rehashing the day's events while perusing the internet as well as the interesting customers and their friendly (although loud) banter. Pushing towards Grand Marais, MN today and the ever popular Sven and Ole's pizza before heading into Canada.