When arriving at the beach, we saw many surfers and immediately decided that it wouldn't be Florida without a surf day so Jax and I headed to a nearby surf shop to rent a board for the day. We ended up getting a 9 foot long board which was pretty perfect for all of us to play in the waves with. While the human parts of our party took turns surfing, Hank spent the entire day running and jumping with all the other dogs on the beach. As of right now he is still sleeping like he has been since we left the beach.
Back to the surfing. We all spent a good deal of time on the board today but Jena and Jaxon really did quite well out there riding waves all the way in. We also got to talking with one guy at the beach who was paddle boarding and generously let us try his board, which was incredibly difficult but fun. As the sun set we packed up and headed back down the coast to our condo for some leftover fajita's and ice cream. Tomorrow we plan to head back to Juniper Beach and do it all over again.